Helping readers through personal experience dealing with parenting, mental health and self-improvement

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Leaving an Abusive Relationship: What I’ve Learned and How I’ve Moved On

Leaving is the hardest part—that’s what they say, right? I don’t know if I agree. It takes courage to get out, but the healing process can be brutal.

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Navigating Post-Divorce Father-Child Relationships with 6 Steps

Fathers should maintain healthy relationships with their children to remain supporting, loving figures in their lives.

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Dealing with the Stigma of Being a Single Parent

Being a single parent it can be one of life’s most rewarding experiences. However, it also comes with its fair share of challenges, including societal stigma.

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Benefits of Taking a Digital Detox Weekend

If you feel a little guilty, it may be time for a family screen-free weekend. There are many benefits of a digital detox to look forward to.

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Understanding Transgenerational Trauma and How to Break the Cycle

Transgenerational trauma is a term describing the mental, emotional and psychological issues people pass down to their descendants.

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How to Remember Words in Another Language: Strategies for Long-Term Language Skill Retention

Everyone at some time in their life struggles to understand how to remember words they’ve learned for the first time.